Data & Security

About 2-factor authentication in FlightLogger

FlightLogger offers an extra layer of security for FlightLogger users. With 2-factor authentication, FlightLogger users must verify their identity by typing a unique 6-digit code which we send to their email at login.

How does 2-factor authentication work in FlightLogger

Once 2-factor authentication is activated on a user, FlightLogger sends an autogenerated email with a unique 6 digit code to the user's email. The user must insert the code in the form to get access to his account. 

Note that the 6-digit cone is valid for 10 minutes, after which the user can ask for a new code to be sent.

Activating 2-factor authentication

Currently, it is necessary for each individual user to add 2-factor authentication through myIFlightLogger. To access myIFlightLogger, you can go directly from your FlightLogger profile located at the top right corner of the page.

Screenshot 2023-05-09 at 10-00-07-png

Alternatively, you can also access myIFlightLogger directly by following this link:

Next step

After logging into your account on myIFlightLogger, navigate to the "My profile" section. At the bottom of the page, you will see a button labeled "Activate 2-Factor Authentication", as shown in the image below.

Next, you will be prompted to confirm your email address. A message will automatically be sent to the email address registered with your account. After confirming your email, you will be able to access the "Activate 2-Factor Authentication" button. 

At this point, you should have received a 6-digit verification code.

Enter the 6-digit verification code and click on the "Verify" button. Congratulations, you have now successfully set up 2-factor authentication on your myIFlightLogger account!

Deactivating 2-factor authentication

You can deactivate 2-factor authentication by accessing your myIFlightLogger account-->My profile-->Deactivate 2-factor authentication

(note that some users may not have access to editing their info. This is due to an overall account setting on your organizations account. In this case, please write to support@flightlogger to have 2-factor authentication deactivated)