Data & Security

About backup, security, terms and conditions

Ensuring the integrity of our client's data is our top priority, which is why we rely on Amazon, the world's largest server provider, for our server and backup system. This is to give our customers peace of mind.

General information regarding storage and backup of data

Our data is categorized into two main areas: data tables and documents.

The data tables consist of information stored in the Postgres database, a top-tier SQL-based database solution.

As for the documents, they encompass all uploaded materials such as PDF files, images (including student images, certificates, medicals, etc.).

This data is stored on Amazon S3.

Every day, Amazon performs backups of ALL data in multiple data centers across Europe to ensure a redundant backup system and secure your data.

FlightLogger invests significantly in this top-tier service, prioritizing specialists' expertise over cost-cutting measures to stay ahead in security measures.

Trusting the industry leader, FlightLogger also creates a local copy daily of all data backed up by Amazon, providing multiple layers of backup to safeguard customer data in case of any unexpected data center failures.

General information regarding the security

Many IT companies opt to host their solutions in-house to save costs. However, the landscape of "security" is always evolving, and most IT companies struggle to keep up in this area.

FlightLogger, on the other hand, has chosen not to rely on its own resources for handling security. By hosting everything on Amazon, we benefit from the robust security measures that Amazon has in place, even for solutions targeted by cyber attacks involving customer credit cards.

At FlightLogger, we firmly believe that having the support of the industry leader is the best security measure for our customers. Amazon dedicates an entire section of their website to explain their security protocols, providing a wealth of white papers to address any queries.

You can find a lot of documentation in this area at:

What happens if FlightLogger goes down or bankrupt?

In the event that FlightLogger ceases operations and the server is shut down, you can access detailed information in our standard 'Terms & Conditions', Privacy Policy', and 'Data Processor Agreement'.

These documents were provided and accepted by you prior to using FlightLogger. You can find these standard documents at the bottom right corner of our website. Website legal stuff click here

We suggest utilizing FlightLogger's Data Backup Module (DBM) for an added layer of protection. This module allows for a local backup on your server through Dropbox or OneDrive. Further details can be found below.

Additional backup option with FlightLogger Data Backup Module (DBM)

The Data Backup Module (DBM) provides a comprehensive "paper backup" of all lessons, lectures, logbooks, etc., via Dropbox or MS OneDrive, with updates made nightly. DBM automatically identifies any lessons that have been completed or modified during the day and generates individual PDFs for each one. This ensures that if your academy has a server on-site, the documents will be automatically synced to your personal computer.

Essentially, DBM updates your own virtual filing cabinet every night. Similar to traditional paper filing systems, in the event that Amazon (our server provider) or FlightLogger experiences any issues worldwide, you can always access your "digital filing cabinet" to view all activities within FlightLogger.

DBM is already being utilized by numerous clients globally. If you are interested in a brief demonstration of this automated backup solution, please contact our support team through the question mark icon in the top right corner of your FlightLogger account (get support).

To learn more about our Data Backup Module please follow this link.