
About booking filters

This article explains how the filtering functionality can help you when looking at the booking page and when making a booking.

Setting your booking filter

Booking filters can be set directly from the booking page. Just click the filter icon to set your filters:

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Below each resource category (aircraft, classrooms, instructors/crew, students) you can see information about the current filters set. Clicking these will also open the filter popup to allow you to edit your filters.

Screenshot 2023-10-16 at 10.01.08

Saving and loading your filters

FlightLogger allows you to save your own customized filters for future use.

Simply set up the filters as you want, give the filter a name and save it. 

Screenshot 2023-10-16 at 10.07.16

Once saved, you can find the customized filter using the Filters dropdown.

Screenshot 2023-05-02 at 12.05.41

About filter rules - AND/OR

FlightLogger gives you the option to choose between AND and OR filters when selecting multiple filtering options.

Select the OR filter option when you want to meet at least one of the selected filter requirements.

Choose the AND filter option when you need to meet all of the selected filter requirements.

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