Ground Training Programs

About ground training progress

This article explains how to interpret the progress numbers in FlightLogger

The "total percentage" that is shown in the progress bar and the "total hours" (marked green in the attached screenshot) represents the total amount of class theory the academy has booked and registered of which the given student was supposed to be a part of (what the academy has offered the student)

The "total attendance" that is shown in the top right corner and the "attendance hours" (marked red in the attached screenshot) represents the total amount of class theory the student has attended.

Most academies have (by contract) to offer the student XX:XX number of hours as a part of a course (marked blue in the attached screenshot).

As an example: if a student chooses not to attend any of the hours offered by the academy, then the attendance will be 0% but the progress bar will show 100% which means that the academy has fulfilled their part of "the deal".