Billing Info

About FlightLogger subscription

All our clients pay the same way for the use of FlightLogger which is through our automatic payment.

This makes it easier for both our clients and us, as no administration is needed and no payments are missed. This way we (FlightLogger) can spend more time on further improving FlightLogger for our clients' benefit rather than tracking down payments.

Below follows a short recap of our automatic payment method for your comfort:

Clients register a credit card inside FlightLogger and every month our clients receive an invoice. 10 days later the credit card is automatically charged – unless the client has any comment.

Please note that the subscription of FlightLogger will begin after receiving access to your new FlightLogger account, normally on training day 1.

This way of paying is the standard for "SaaS - systems" in the world today ("software as a service” which FlightLogger is). As an example, FlightLogger is also paying for a lot of services with our own credit card in order to run FlightLogger.

Most of these services are also SaaS-systems and just to mention a few we use and pay for: 

- Heroku (to host the FlightLogger application)

- Digital Ocean (to host our website)

- Amazon (hosting all of our files)

- Github (to keep version control)

So due to all of the above reasons, we do not offer any other payment methods as of today.