
About FlightLogger's API

In this section of the Help Center you will find articles that help guide you through using the API.

The FlightLogger API allows any FlightLogger user to retrieve data from their FlightLogger account using the Graph Query Language (GraphQL).

What is an API?

An API, short for Application Programming Interface, is an information middleman. APIs are a series of rules that allow for an application to extract and use information from a piece of software in their own application or data analysis.

The API may be used to provide integration between FlightLogger and external applications, pull data for custom statistics, or backing up data to a custom backup solution to name just a few examples. To get started using the API, see the Getting Started with the FlightLogger GraphQL API article.

The Official API Reference Documentation details the kinds of interactions that may be made with the API, and the structure thereof. The Example API Queries article details some specific example queries for inspiration.

When using the FlightLogger API the same terms and conditions apply as when using the FlightLogger system. You can read up on the terms and conditions here: Terms & Conditions