
About offline flight registration

The FlightLogger platform is designed for offline registration of school flights and other flights.

When using FlightLogger outside a wireless zone, there are a few things to be aware of.

1) Use a device with enough memory 

We recommend that the instructors always close all applications on the tablet before stating, so only the browser is open. This will make the tablet work faster and limit the chance that the device runs out of memory, which could lead to a refresh of the page (deleting comments etc.). This is mainly an issue with older tablets where the internal memory is not as high as it is on the newer tablets.

2) Do not refresh the FlightLogger browser tab. 

Refreshing the FlightLogger can lead to the deletion of the browser data since refreshing is a request of a new page, however, you will be warned if you really want to reload the page. In that case simple cancel the reload.

3) Switching between app

Switching between apps can trigger the browser to refresh and working on a device without enough memory can lead to the deletion of the browser data but again you will be warned before it refreshes.

FlightLoggers recommendation for working offline

1) Close all apps except browser

2) Find the booking on the front page under “My bookings” and click “Proceed” (or cancel in case of cancellation)

3) Check student's certificate warnings and if all previous flown lesson has been “approved” by the student. (Green checkmark = Approved/signed) on the student’s digital profile.

4) Click “proceed” on the relevant lesson

When the instructor clicks “proceed” on a lesson, FlightLogger will load the chosen lesson plan including the lesson description, exercises, and flight area.

All of the 4 steps above are normally done in the briefing room with WIFI connection as that is required to load the Lesson plan.

Going Offline

Once the lesson plan is loaded the instructor can now go offline/fly mode with the tablet and both the grading part, the flight area, and the remarks of the lesson will be usable despite being offline/fly mode.

Once the instructor is back for debriefing with the internet/WIFI connection he/she can save the lesson. Just note that it’s important that the device has an internet connection when saving to avoid the deletion of browser data.