About the Data Protection Officer (DPO) user role

In FlightLogger you have the option to appoint a Data Protection Officer (DPO). This article explains the role and how it's managed in FlightLogger.

We recommend that the DPO role is appointed to someone within the company who has appropriate knowledge on data protection laws and practices and, not least, who possesses a high level of responsibility and accountability with your organisation.

The GPO is the only user that has access to GDPR neutralize user(s) on your account. You can learn more about this feature here.

How to appoint and change your account's DPO

The DPO role is very critical as it is the only user that has the right to neutralize any user data which can possibly impact activity records on your account.*

Therefore the DPO can only be set by FlightLogger Support based on written instructions from an authorised person within your organisation.

In practice you must:

Send an email to support@flightlogger.net with the information of the person you wish to appoint as your organisation's DPO. Upon receiving this email, we will then contact your organisation by phone to verify the request before setting the DPO on your account.

The same procedure applies in case you wish to substitute the existing DPO on your account.

See who's your current DPO

You can see who is appointed as you account's GPO via Administration -> Account settings -> Designated user roles

Screenshot 2023-05-01 at 14Both administrators and instructors have access to delete a user, but user deletion is only possible when no activity records exist on the user as described in this article.

Unique user rights of the DPO

The Data Protection Officer is the only user who can:

  • GDPR eliminate users
  • Distinct GDPR eliminated users from each other by an anonymous ID (no personal data is available)
  • Search for all GDPR eliminated users via the User search function

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The DPO is the only user who sees the anonymous user ID, making the DPO able to distinct (but not identify) GDPR neutralized users.