
About the student overview

When you are a scheduler/booker/planner and have the additional permission of Booking Administrator, you can create bookings in the bookings tab.

On the "Bookings" page, there is a small icon in the edge of the left side, which opens up a student booking overview.

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A new page will open, where you can search according to students, classes or programs.

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This will open up a student overview where you easily can compare the progress of students on the specific program.

Hovering with the cursor over the student callsign, you get a quick overview of the students booking history for the last 30 days.

Hovering the cursor over a specific mission / lesson, you can get a quick overview of the mission / lesson content.

The missions / lessons can easily be "grabbed" with the mouse, and dragged over to the bookings page to make a booking.

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