Account Settings


This account setting category is used to define the general appearance of your organization's FlightLogger account. Any changes made apply across all users on your account.

Navigation bar colors

In this section, you have the ability to customize the three colors that are utilized in the top navigation of your FlightLogger account.

Navigation top bar color

Choose a color for your Navigation top bar, which will be the primary color throughout your account. Avoid selecting a color that is too close to white as it may make some text hard to read.

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Navigation separator bar color

Customize the color of the thin divider line between the top bar and the menu bar.

If you are using duty time, the line will turn green when your user is set on duty, and otherwise, it will switch to your selected color.

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Navigation menu bar color

Choose the color for your Navigation menu bar, which will be used as the secondary color throughout your account. Be sure to select a color that is not too close to white, as it may affect the readability of the menu text.

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Logo & aircraft image

This logo will appear on the login page of your account, as well as being the default image for any aircraft that hasn't had a picture added to it. (This is added on the individual aircraft edit page.)

To ensure your logo is displayed correctly, we recommend using an image with a resolution of 217x108px.

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Default user image

If no picture has been added to the user, this image will serve as the default user image.

To ensure the image is displayed as intended, we suggest using an image with a resolution of 140x180px.

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