Account Settings

Competency-based Training and Assessment (CBTA Pro)

If your organization has the FlightLogger CBTA Pro subscription, this is where you can manage overall settings for your CBTA-based training programs.

Grading settings

Default norm

Use this setting to define a default norm on new exercises on CBTA programs. Even though a default norm has been set, it can be edited on the specific exercise.

Default grade with norm

Enabling this setting means the norm grade is automatically set when an instructor proceeds a lesson in FlightLogger. This allows the instructor to focus on exercises that were performed either below or above norm - but be aware that this may also lead to a slightly complacent attitude towards the grading process.

Instructors can grade an entire flight phase to norm during lesson registration

This allows instructors to grade an entire flight phase according to the norms set on each exercise. This again automates the grading procedure a bit, but may also lead to a more complacent attitude towards the grading process.

To grade all exercises within a flight phase to norm, the instructor just clicks the blue N:

Screenshot 2023-05-01 at 13.54.46

CBTA tab

When looking at the CBTA matrix it's possible to select how many lessons back in time the matrix should be calculated from - by using the selector on top of the matrix:

Screenshot 2023-05-01 at 13.55.53

This setting allows you to define the number of lessons should be selectable from the selector, and to select the default mode.

Insert the preferred values in each of the three editable fields and hit Save. Note that the user can always choose to see all or input a custom value.