Account Settings

User Balance Module (UBM)

If the User Balance Module (UBM) is activated on your organization's account, this section is where you manage the overall settings for the module.

Credit limit

Insert a credit limit for your students and renters. When a student/renter is at or above the credit limit the money icon will be green. When below the credit limit the money icon will be yellow. In case of negative credit the money icon will be red.

Activate discount

Click this box to enable the discount feature within UBM. This allows you to insert a general discount on your students via the next setting, and an individual discount for each student via the students' accounting settings (found via settings on the student page).

Discount value

(Only displayed if Activate discount is enabled)

Use this field to set a general discount on all students. Note that changing the discount value only affects future transactions and not transactions in the past.

When inserting discount value, think of it as a multiplicator, where 1,0 means no discount, 0,9 means 10% discount etc.

Briefing/debriefing rate

(Only displayed if instructor briefing rate is enabled on your account. Please contact if you would like us to activate it on your UBM module)

Use this field to insert an hourly briefing/debriefing rate to automatically charge your students when a lesson has been completed.