Account Settings

User settings

This article explains all the user settings found in FlightLogger.


Utilize these settings to manage the user roles that can view:

- certificate warnings

- flight and duty time warnings

- ground school warnings

- maintenance warnings

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Manage these settings to determine which user roles have access to:

- booking pages

- booking details

- booking availabilities

- cancelled bookings (accessible through the eye icon on the booking page)

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Can see booking pages

Users will have access to the Bookings dropdown tab. Unless the user has a Booking Administrator role, they will only be able to view the information and will not be able to make or edit bookings.

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Can see booking details

When you hover your cursor over a booking, a popup window will appear displaying all the relevant booking information. This feature is designed for viewing purposes only, and users do not have the ability to make edits or deletions.

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Can see booking availabilities

When this option is turned off, availabilities will not be visible.

Screenshot 2024-01-31 at 13.39.59When turned on, availabilities will be visible.Screenshot 2024-01-31 at 13.41.05

Can see cancelled bookings

Cancelled bookings will no longer be visible on the bookings page. However, you can still access the information by clicking on the eye icon on the booking page. Please note that this feature is solely for viewing purposes.

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This setting allows you to determine which user roles have the ability to make changes to their own flights on the Departure/Arrival page. (This functionality enables the user to take on a dispatch role for their own flights.)

Please note that any edits made on the Departure/Arrival page will only affect what is displayed there and will not impact the booking or flight registrations.

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By default, instructors, crew, students, and renters can only see their own activities, whether they are completed or incomplete.

Enabling the Activities settings will grant crew and instructors the ability to view activities and bookings for other users with the same user role.

It's important to note that administrators always have the ability to see all activities and bookings that are missing completion for other users.

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Without activating this setting, users will only have access to their own activities:

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By enabling this setting, users will gain access not only to their own activities but also to the activities of other crew members and instructors. An option called "Include all" will be added to the activities page. By activating this option, users will have the ability to view activities of other crew members and instructors:

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Use these settings to manage the availabilities of instructors, crew, and students.

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When enabled, the scheduler will be able to view when a user is available on the booking page.

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Additionally, you can control whether instructors, crew, and students have the ability to edit their own availability calendar. If this option is not allowed, only administrators will be able to make edits to these users' availabilities.

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Duty time 

(Only displayed when the FTLM module is activated on your account)

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Duty time enabled for

Use this option to toggle the duty time function on or off for each specific user group.

Adjustments to all other settings can only be made for user roles that have duty time enabled.

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Can edit own duty time

If enabled, user's with the specific user role can add and edit their own duty time entries via the Availability and duty time page.

To begin recording your duty time on your availabilities page (a dark-green field), simply click on "Start duty time".

Times can be edited in two ways:

Input the start and end times manually in the designated "Start" and "End" sections.

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Click on the green duty time box and a popup will open where you can make the necessary adjustments.

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If this option is disabled for a user role, only administrators will have the ability to add and edit duty time entries.

Please note that these settings only apply to your own duty times. So, even if you are an administrator, disabling the function for administrators will only prevent you from changing your own duty times. Other administrators will still have the ability to edit your times, if they are allowed to do so.

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Display users on duty

Choose whether FlightLogger should indicate whether a user is currently on or off duty.

This information will be displayed on both the:

User pages

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Individual user profiles

Screenshot 2024-02-02 at 12.09.07Invoice users on duty

Choose whether duty time entries should be included in invoice expense reports for each user role.

This information will be displayed on both the:

User pages

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Individual user profiles

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Instructor permissions

Instructors can change lessons approved by students

When enabled, instructors have the ability to modify a lesson registration even after it has been approved by the student. In the event of any changes, students will be notified and asked to approve the modifications again.

By clicking on the instructor call sign, the flown lesson will open up for review.

Please note that students will not have access to the column displaying instructor call signs/names. However, students can always revisit a previously flown lesson by clicking on the lesson name. It's important to note that students cannot make any edits to the lesson information.

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Instructors have the ability to make changes to the lesson information. You can easily check if changes can be made by looking at the padlock symbol. If the padlock symbol is open, it means that changes can be made. However, if the padlock symbol is closed, for example, when a student accesses previous lessons through the lesson name, no changes can be made.

Instructors will need to submit the changes again.

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The student will receive a notification via email regarding the changes and will be required to approve them, similar to a regular lesson.

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Similar to a standard lesson, the student will have the only ability to make edits to the lesson. This can be done through the Student note feature.

After adding any eventual notes, students will now be able to approve any changes made by the instructor.

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Instructors can create and change status of students

When this option is activated, instructors have the ability to create new students.

Instructors have the option to navigate to the Users - Students section and utilize the Create button to generate a new student.

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The instructor will be directed to the New Student page, where they will (as a minimum) need to complete the required fields marked with an asterisk.

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If the feature is deactivated, instructors will receive a message when attempting to create a student.

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Instructors can also designate students as active, standby, completed or discontinued.

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If this option is deactivated, only administrators will have this capability.Screenshot 2024-02-06 at 08.54.45

Instructors can create and change status of classes

When this option is activated, instructors have the ability to create and manage classes. They can navigate to the Users - Students section and use the Create button to create a new class.

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The new class will then be displayed in the class overview. Instructors can add students to the class by clicking on the class name, make edits by using the Pencil icon, and also deactivate the class if needed.Screenshot 2024-02-06 at 10.34.51

If the feature is deactivated, instructors will receive a message when attempting to create a class.Screenshot 2024-02-06 at 09.54.49

Instructors can edit/delete exams

If this option is activated, instructors have the ability to edit and delete exam registrations in FlightLogger.

The instructor will navigate to Users - Students and filter by classes.

Screenshot 2024-02-06 at 09.44.01Select the relevant class.

Screenshot 2024-02-06 at 09.45.19Now, with this option enabled, instructors can make edits to the class.

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If this option is disabled, instructors will not be able to edit past exam registrations.

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Renter & student permissions

Use these settings to manage the permissions and actions that students and renters can perform on your FlightLogger account.

Renters and students can add/edit/delete their own documents

Renters and students have the freedom to add, edit, or delete documents in their personal document center on their profile page.

Screenshot 2024-02-06 at 13.39.13If you choose not to enable this option, they will not have the ability to add, or delete and edit any existing documents.

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Renters and students can add/edit/renew their own certificates

Renters and students are granted the privilege to add, edit, and renew information on their certificates.

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Screenshot 2024-02-06 at 13.51.15If this permission is not enabled, renters and students will be unable to add this information. 

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In such cases, it becomes the responsibility of the Certificate Administrator to add, edit, and renew the certificate information.

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Renters and students can edit their own image

Enabling this option grants users the ability to edit their profile picture.

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Renters and students can edit their own info

Allowing users the ability to update their own information.

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Renters and students can edit their own call sign

Once you have selected "Renters and students can edit their own info," you will be able to choose this option to allow users to edit their own call sign.

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If this option is not activated, the call sign area will have a light-grey background and cannot be edited.

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Renters and students can see aircraft status

Renters and students are provided with the option to view the aircraft status conveniently located at the bottom of their front page.

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Students can message other students via the message center

When this feature is enabled, students have the ability to communicate with all other students in your organization, through the message center.

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Students can message instructors via the message center

When this feature is activated, students can easily communicate with all instructors within your organization through the message center.

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Students can contact instructor via message when approving lessons

By enabling this feature, a "Contact instructor" button will be added at the bottom of the debriefing page for each lesson. When students review their flown lesson and are ready to approve it, they can simply click on the button (before approving the lesson).

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This will automatically take them to the message center, where the recipient and heading will be pre-filled. Now, students will have the ability to easily contact their instructor directly.

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Renters can add/edit/delete rental registrations

With this feature enabled, renters have the convenience of adding, editing, or deleting information on their rental flights, regardless of whether it is a new booking or a flight that has already taken place.

For new flights, renters simply click on the "Proceed" button, just as one would for a regular school flight. Renters can now easily fill out all the necessary information on the registration pages.

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Renters can access their rental history in two ways - through their "Activities" page and their "Profile" page.

On both of these pages, you will find the familiar pencil-icon edit button. Simply click on this button to navigate to the flown lesson and make any necessary additions, edits or eventual deletions.

Please be aware that deleting a rental registration will reset the booking, resulting in the loss of all previously recorded data for that specific booking.

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After adding or editing previously registered data, renters must remember to click "Submit changes" to save the updated data.

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If the "Renters can add/edit/delete rental registrations" option is disabled, renters will not have the ability to enter or delete any data. However, as an only option, they can still cancel their rental flight.

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If the option is deactivated, renters will need to provide the registration information to a user with an Administrator role or a user with Booking administrator role after completing the flight. These users will then enter the data on behalf of the renter.

The Administrator can navigate to the Activities - Rental section and click Proceed on the appropriate rental. This will allow them to fill out all the necessary information.

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The Booking administrator can navigate to the Bookings and click on the relevant rental. By clicking on Proceed, the Booking administrator will be able to fill out all the required information.Screenshot 2024-02-07 at 15.21.41

User privacy

Hide user profiles from all except administrators

Disable these settings to make sure only administrators can see information on your users. When enabled on a user role, only administrators can see information on users with this user role. Please be aware that if a user has more than one user role, this setting must be enabled on all these user roles to hide the user.

Hide user profiles from students only

If the above-mentioned setting is enabled on a user role, this setting can be used if user profiles should only be hidden from students, while other user roles should still able to see it - provided that other settings and user rights allow for it. 


Can approve own certificates

User this setting to allow users with specific user roles to approve their own certificates in FlightLogger. If disabled, the certificates must instead be approved by a certificate manager.

Can add/edit/delete wall posts

If enabled, users with the user role are allowed to add, edit and delete wall posts displayed on the front page. Be aware that any changes made on wall posts apply for all users and not just for the specific user.