Aircraft Maintenance

Aircraft time tracking in FlightLogger

Below you will get an overview of aircraft time tracking using either block time, airborne time and a third timer.

Block time

Block time is required within EASA to track the time from the aircraft moving by its own power until it comes to a complete stop with its own power. This is used for all flight crew time recording in terms of logbooks and training records.
Block time cannot be used for maintenance purposes within FlightLogger.

Airborne time

If the taxi time is enabled on the aircraft this will enable the airborne time registration on the aircraft. The airborne time is defined as the weight off wheels until weight on wheels and is normally registered by the ATC and/or pilot. This time is used for maintenance tracking of the aircraft to certain parts. This depends on the aircraft type but in general used for any parts not related to engine time.

In FlightLogger you can decide for each individual maintenance part, if this is tracked according to airborne time or according to another timer (see below). The icon in FlightLogger to illustrate airborne time looks like a stopwatch.

Timer (can be flight time, Hobbs, tach, VDO, air switch, EDU, and DATCON - dependent on aircraft type).

This is the third way you can track time on the aircraft and this is also used for maintenance purposes (dependent on aircraft type). The timer can be many different (see above) but in most cases, it is either Hobbs or Tach (engine time). This type of tracking is mainly used for engine time and prop service as this might run faster if the engine runs faster. Again it will be decided on the maintenance part in FlightLogger if the time used for tracking is one of these timer options.

The icon in FlightLogger to illustrate a timer is a black clock icon showing 12 o'clock.


See the below screenshots for more info. You can also see more in our Help Center video at this link.


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