
Blocking of booking creation in case of warnings

This page describes how to block a booking from being created in case there are warnings on a resource.

FlightLogger offers an option to block your booking administrators from creating bookings in case there are warnings on either the people or the aircraft being booked. 

In the account settings you can configure which warnings should block a flight or theory session booking from being made. Go to Administration -> Account settings -> Booking and find the two settings shown below.

Screenshot 2023-04-27 at 14.49.06

Enabling either of the blocking functions opens a set of options to configure which warnings should block a booking from being made on flight and theory bookings respectively:

Screenshot 2023-04-27 at 14.48.06

When enabled, if trying to make a booking that has a warning conflict, the Create buttons will be greyed out and locked and a text will appear explaining that a warning means the booking cannot be created, as shown here.

Screenshot 2023-04-27 at 14.53.57

Note that the blocking function is based on the warnings state at the time of creating the booking, not the supposed state at the time the booking is scheduled for.