
Booking and registering solo flights

When booking solo flights and doing solo registration that is not related to a specific instructor there are in general two ways of managing this.

Please find our explanation of the two options below.

Option 1: 

Any booking can be cancelled or completed by the schools booking administrator(s). Simply go to Bookings and create the booking as normal.

The booking administrator(s) must now click on the booking. Now the booking can be canceled or complete ( by clicking the Proceed button).

Screenshot 2023-09-19 at 13.19.03

This way the booking administrator(s) will take care of completing the booking for a solo flight, just in the same way an instructor would have done it.

Option 2: 
Some users create a "dummy instructor" called "Solo".

The booking administrator(s) will now use this dummy instructor every time a solo flights is booked. Once again, the booking administrator(s) must complete these bookings as mentioned in option 1 or they make sure all instructors know the login to this "dummy instructor" so they can use this when making registrations for solo flights.