
Carry-forward exercises in FlightLogger

If configured on your account, FlightLogger allows your instructors to carry exercises forward to the next lesson. This article describes the available options.

FlightLogger offers three options that each suit different use cases.

1: Mark as Repetition needed

In case the instructors deems it necessary that a lesson is repeated including all exercises or a selection of the exercises, the lesson can be marked as Repetition needed.

This will automatically create an extra lesson in the student's training program, and the lesson will include all the exercises that were set as Repetition needed using the red flag on the grading tab of the flight registration. Alternatively, if no exercises were flagged all exercises will be repeated in a repetition lesson.

Marking exercises as Repetition needed...

Screenshot 2023-05-31 at 09.23.46

Automatically creates a repetition lesson with the flagged exercises...

Screenshot 2023-05-31 at 09.24.25

2: Add exercise to Hold Item List (HIL)

Note that the HIL function may not be available on your FlightLogger account.

To activate it, one of your administrators should reach out to FlightLogger Support by sending an email to

In case time or other factors have prevented a planned exercise from being trained during a lesson, the best option is to mark it as HIL (Hold Item List - which is a deferred item). When marking an exercise as HIL, no grade can be added to it.

In this case no grade is added on the specific exercise, and the exercise will automatically be added to the next lesson on the student's training program.

Marking exercises as HIL...

Screenshot 2023-05-31 at 08.32.03

Automatically adds them to the next lesson...

Screenshot 2023-05-31 at 08.33.27

And to the Hold Item List on the student progress overview (can be named differently on your account).

Screenshot 2023-05-31 at 08.34.35

3: Grade an exercise and carry it forward to the next lesson

Note that the Carry-forward option may not be enabled on your FlightLogger account.

To activate it, one of your administrators should reach out to FlightLogger Support by sending an email to

In case an instructor deems it necessary to repeat one or more exercises, it can be carried forward to the next lesson while still being graded by the instructor.

So, the carry-forward option is like a combination of the HIL and the Repetition needed functions, since it allows the instructor to grade the exercise AND add the exercise to the next lesson without creating a repetition lesson.

To carry an exercise forward, the instructor will click the CF (can be named differently on your account) option on the grading scheme, and also mark a grade on the exercise.

When doing this, the exercises are automatically added to the next lesson and to the student's Hold Item List (can also be named differently on your account). Contrary to the HIL function, a grade was registered, and this grade is included on the exercise tracker.

When marking exercises as Carry-forward and grading them...

Screenshot 2023-05-31 at 09.01.48

The exercises are automatically added to the next lesson and the Hold Item List (can be named differently on your account)...

Screenshot 2023-05-31 at 09.03.02

And the grade given is included in the exercise tracker...

Screenshot 2023-05-31 at 08.52.33


Note that the instructor can also choose to not grade the carry-forwarded exercise. In this case it will function in the same way as the HIL function described in the beginning of this article.