Time Zone Settings

Changing account time zone settings

We recommend that you only change the time zone settings on your account after thorough consideration, and that you first make sure to read and understand the process and consequences by reading this article.

Impact of changing time zone settings

Changing the time zone will result in:

  1. All bookings on the account will change (flights and ground), as well as all registrations (flights and ground).
  2. Any setup of "Exceptions" under "availabilities" done by your users will also change accordingly.
  3. NB. please be aware that any users, who have set up "Weekly schedule" under "availabilities" need to update since this will not change automatically!

UTC (Universal Time Coordination)

The FlightLogger database holds all times in 'UTC' and the time zone settings only control how you view and register the data. Therefore it is important that users in FlightLogger register in the corresponding time zone for time registrations to go correctly into the database in UTC.


FlightLogger highly recommends notifying all users about the change, so no one misses a booking or gets confused about the change.

How to change time zone settings on your account

The default time zones on your account were already set when your account was initially set up.

If you later for some reason need to change the time zone at a later stage, this is possible via Administration -> Account settings-> General Settings


From here, set each of the three time zone setting as you wish, and then click Save.

How the three time zone settings are applied on your account

The three different time zone settings each affect these areas in FlightLogger:

'Account & Booking time zone' affects the following areas:

  • Booking pages
    • Create bookings
    • Booking overview (daily and weekly)
    • Monthly overview
  • Front page bookings
  • Aircraft status maintenance grey out
  • Reports
    • Cancellation report
    • Booking statistics
  • Message center
    • Sent message
    • Received message
    • Archived message
  • User last login
  • Document center modified date folder/document
  • User document modified date folder/document
  • Certificates
  • SMS reports

'Flight registration time zone' affects the following areas:

  • School flight registration (single student and multi student)
  • Operation flight registration
  • Rental flight registration
  • User level reports
    • Income report (flight)
    • Expense report (flight)
    • Raw data flight report
    • Accounting overview (aircraft prices)
    • Logbook
    • Report generator (flight)
  • Account level reports
    • Accounting reports
    • Aircraft reports
    • Airport reports
    • Fuel report
    • Invoice report
    • Raw data flight report

'Theory registration time zone' affects the following areas:

  • Class theory registration
  • Progress test registration
  • Theory release registration
  • Exam registration
  • Extra theory
  • Type questionnaire
  • Account level reports
    • Raw data theory report
  • User level reports
    • Income report (theory)
    • Expense report (theory)
    • Report generator (theory)
    • Raw data theory report