
Deleting (ex. user account) data from account

FlightLogger has a delete function, but this only works for users that have not had any kind of activity registered in FlightLogger.

Additionally we have the option to GDPR neutralize users in case you need to remove their personal details but wish to keep all records untouched in FlightLogger. - see more here.

There is also a third option that you can choose if you want to remove a student that hasn't flown any lessons yet.

1) Make sure you remove all programs from the student (click the red cross), which can only be done if there are no completed lessons 

Screenshot 2023-05-01 at 15.02.11

2) Go into the students "edit user" and remove the checkmark in "Student" and place a checkmark in “Renter", and click Update.

Screenshot 2023-05-01 at 15.03.09

3) Now click on "Settings" on the student's profile and choose "Deactivate"

4) If you also want to prevent the user from logging in then also click "Settings" and choose "Block user" 

Screenshot 2023-05-01 at 15.03.53

You have now given the user you wanted to get rid of the lowest possible rights (renter). You have also deactivated him so he does not appear anywhere in any drop-down or lists, and if you have blocked the user, he doesn't have access anymore. 

In a way, our clients normally use this (deactivated renters) as a "trash can".