Data & Security

Enforcing 2-factor authentication across FlightLogger

To optimize data security on your FlightLogger account we recommend that you enforce 2-factor authentication (2FA) for all users. This page explains more about how it works.

One of the most efficient ways to prevent unauthorized access to your data is by protecting the user access with 2FA.

What is 2-factor authentication?

In brief, 2FA adds an additional layer of security to the login process, making it significantly harder for unauthorized individuals to access your data. This means that simply having the user's email and password is no longer enough to log in. The added security measure involves a dynamic 6-digit numerical code that users can only obtain through email or an authenticator app.

As an organization, you have the option to enforce 2FA for all users or specific user roles in FlightLogger. Implementing 2FA for all users is a simple yet effective way to boost data security without requiring any additional investments.

Watch this quick video to learn about enforcing 2-factor authentication in FlightLogger:

Recommendation before enforcing 2-factor authentication

Before enabling enforced 2FA on your account, it is important to consider the following:

  • It is recommended to notify your users beforehand. Keep in mind that when 2FA is enforced on specific user roles, any user without 2FA activated will be logged out and will need to set it up before logging back in. To prevent any disruptions, it is advised to inform all users a few days prior to enforcing 2FA, encouraging them to activate it promptly to avoid being logged out unexpectedly.
  • Also, take into account the timing for implementing the enforcement. To minimize disruptions, it is best to introduce 2FA enforcement when the fewest users are logged into FlightLogger, typically during off-peak hours.

How to enforce 2-factor authentication

To enforce 2FA, you need to have the Administrator user role and have 2FA enabled on your personal account.

Simply navigate to Administration -> Account settings -> User settings under the new section called User security. From there, select the user roles for which you want to enforce 2FA. Click Save to apply the changes.

Note: Users with several user roles in FlightLogger will be enforced to activate 2FA if just one of their user roles has been 2FA enforced.

What happens when you enforce 2FA?

Immediately after you have activated enforced 2FA, users assigned to those user roles will be automatically logged out of FlightLogger. They will then be redirected to a page where they will be guided through the process of setting up 2FA on their profile. Once this has been completed, the user can log in and continue.

Users who already have 2FA enabled on their profile will not be affected.