
Fuel reports

FlightLogger provides fuel usage reports, based on all aircraft activities.

Choosing Reports - Fuel reports, will open up a list of your flight activities and the corresponding fuel uplift and fuel usage (based on the fuel coefficient for the specific aircraft).

NOTE: To be able to see the calculated fuel usage and the actual fuel uplift in the report, you will have to have these settings filled out / activated. (if you don't have these criteria filled out / activated, the fuel report will show zero in the fuel columns)

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To have the report to include the fuel coefficient information, you need to go to each aircraft in your fleet, and edit the information (add a fuel coefficient based on, for example, what is stated in the aircrafts POH)

This is done by going to Administration - Aircraft. Via the Edit button (the small Pencil Symbol) on the specific aircraft, you can now add the fuel coefficient under the General section. Set the type of timer and Update.

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To have the report to include the fuel upload information, you need to go to Administration - Account settings -  General Settings. Scroll down to Registrations, click the box showing Enable fuel registration and Save.

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Your Fuel report will now show the calculated fuel usage (based on the given fuel coefficient) and the actual fuel uplift for a specific time period.

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