
Get started with filters

How to utilize personal filters and common filters

Utilizing personal filters and common filters in FlightLogger is a great way to create a tailored overview of the shown information.

Filters can be used in several areas, such as under Bookings, Students, Warnings, and more. Common for all filters in FlightLogger is the icon used for the function as seen below: a funnel. 

Screenshot 2023-09-05 at 14.01.31Whenever the funnel icon is showing on your screen, you are able to filter content on the current page.

Common filters

Before using common filters they have to be created in the account by administrators in Administration -> Filters. Here it is possible to create common filters on your FlightLogger account within the areas of Booking, Departure & Arrival, Certificate warnings, Flight and duty time warnings, Ground school warnings, and Maintenance warnings.

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Personal filters

Personal filters are easily created where they can be applied. For example, on the booking page, you can create a personal filter by clicking on the funnel icon and specifying the filter details.

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Be aware that FlightLogger will remember your last chosen/used filter until you change it. Therefore, it is advised to check the filter, if the page view is different than expected. 

About filter rules - AND/OR

On Booking filters and Departure/Arrival filters FlightLogger gives you the option to choose between AND and OR filters when selecting multiple filtering options.

Select the OR filter option when you want to meet at least one of the selected filter requirements.

Choose the AND filter option when you need to meet all of the selected filter requirements.

Screenshot 2023-10-16 at 10.09.07