Getting started with CBTA Pro
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  3. Getting started with CBTA Pro

Getting started with CBTA Pro

This article gives an initial introduction on how to get started with CBTA Pro in FlightLogger

Once you have upgraded your account to FlightLogger CBTA Pro, follow the below workflow to get started.

The workflow for setting it up is as follows:

  1. Go into Administration -> Account Settings -> CBTA Pro
    1. Set the CBTA users (the ones that can access the CBTA settings in administration -> Programs) - normally the HOT and CFI
    2. Default norm (if you don't use progressive grading)
    3. Default grade with norm (all exercises will automatically be grading to norm)
    4. Can grade flight phase to norm (Normally used if the 'default grade with norm' is not used)
    5. Lesson buttons (instructor workflow when looking at the matrix)
  2. Go into Administration -> Program
    1. Configure the matrix with color mapping, which average grading calculation triggers which color
    2. Configure the competencies and performance indicators (behavioral indicators)
    3. Configure the flight phases
  3. Go into the desired program and create a new revision and activate the CBTA on that new revision (it will start a cloning process of the old)
  4. Go into the new CBTA revision
    1. Move all the previous exercises into the relevant flight phases
    2. Continue until there is a green icon to the right of each lesson
    3. Once the revision shows with a green icon it is ready to be used in production
  5. Go into Administration -> Programs and click edit on the program where you have created and converted the revision into a CBTA
  6. Edit the active revision to the new CBTA revision
  7. Your program is now ready to be used for CBTA training once new students are added to the program 🛫

You first need to configure the overall CBTA Pro-related settings via Administration -> Account Settings -> CBTA Pro:

Screenshot 2023-05-09 at 09.32.55

Once you have gained access to the CBTA settings, go into Administration -> Programs and configure the CBTA.

Video explaining the configuration of the CBTA Matrix:

Video about setting up the competencies, performance indicators, and flight phases:

Video about transforming your regular programs into CBTA programs: