The Departure/Arrival page

Getting started with Departure/Arrival

This article explains the default functionality of FlightLogger's Departure/Arrival board when following the best practice flow of a flight registration (using default account settings).

Note that the Departure/Arrival board only displays flights that are proceeded from a booking. If you proceed a flight without a booking (only possible if your account settings allow it), the flight will not display in the Departure /Arrival page.

Step 1: Scheduling a flight (school flight, operation flight or rental):

When you make a booking in FlightLogger:

  • the flight appears in DEPARTURES 24 hours before ETD (expected time of departure) - the time span can be adjusted via Account Settings -> Dep/Arr)
  • flight status is set to SCHEDULED

All information in DEPARTURES (except STATUS) is updated from your bookings, which means flight info here only updates when changes are made on the booking.

Step 2: Briefing

When the registrant (instructor, crew or renter) clicks Proceed on a booking:

  • flight remains in DEPARTURES
  • flight status changes from SCHEDULED to BRIEFING

Step 3: Flight

When the registrant clicks either the Off block or Takeoff action button in the live flight registration (or alternatively sets the status to Flight via the status toggle button below the action buttons):

  • flight moves from DEPARTURES to ARRIVALS
  • flight status changes to FLIGHT

When the flight has been moved to ARRIVALS, all information is by default updated from the flight registration. 

Note that the ETA quick buttons display in the flight registration when in status FLIGHT and LANDED, allowing the registrant to adjust ETA of the flight, which immediately updates the flight on the Departure/Arrival board, thus allowing the registrant to keep ground staff live updated on delays and early arrivals.

Step 4: Landing

When the registrant clicks the Landing action button in the live flight registration (or alternatively sets the status to Landed via the status toggle button below the action buttons):

  • flight remains in ARRIVALS
  • flight status changes to LANDED

Step 5: Debriefing

When the registrant clicks the On block action button in the live flight registration (or alternatively sets the status to Debriefing via the status toggle button below the action buttons):

  • flight disappears from ARRIVALS and displays in History
  • flight status changes to DEBRIEFING

Users with the required permission can open the History view to and find it among the completed flights. Note that while in DEBRIEFING status, only limited flight info is displayed on the flight.

The history view is only available for users with the Dispatcher role.

Step 6: Completed

When the registrant clicks Submit on the lesson completion/ flight registration:

  • flight is still visible in the history view
  • flight status changes to COMPLETED

The blue icon(1) symbols displays on lesson completion that has been submitted by the instructor but not yet approved by the student, while the green icon(2) displays when the lesson has been approved by the student.