
Getting to know the student exercise tracker

To evaluate the performance of students, FlightLogger features a Progress section found on the student page. The Progress section is where you find the student Exercise tracker.

To access the Exercise tracker, go to the student's page and click the Progress tab and then Exercise tracker.

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This opens the exercise tracker displaying the student's performance on all exercises on a given program. Via the drop-downs, you can choose which programs to include in the tracker and whether to look at the entire program or just a specific phase within a program.

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Using the Search function you can also search for specific exercises by name.

For each exercise FlightLogger displays two pieces of information: 

  • The highest given grade within the selected program and phase
  • The number of times the exercise has been performed within the selected program and phase

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By clicking on an exercise you can see additional information via the graphical exercise tracker, which displays student progress across the selected program/phase.

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Blue graph:

The blue graph represents grades given on the selected exercise per lesson (if exercise is performed more than once on a lesson, the average grade is displayed). Only lessons with a dot on the blue graph include the selected exercise.

This way you can see the student's progress across the selected program/phase.

Yellow graph:

The yellow graph represents the student's average grade for all exercises on each lesson in the selected program/phase.

You can use this to identify exercises that should be given extra attention for the specific student. If the blue graph is generally lower than the yellow graph it indicates that the student is challenged on this exercise and vice versa.

Exporting the exercise tracker

The exercise tracker (without the graphs) can be exported as either a PDF, XML or CSV file. Simply select the appropriate program and phases, click Export as, and select your preferred file format.

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If using FlightLogger CBTA Pro: The CBTA Matrix

If your organisation is using FlightLogger CBTA Pro, the Progress tab is also where you can find the student's CBTA matrix.

Again, simply click the Progress tab. You can now select between the Exercise tracker and the CBTA Matrix.

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As with the exercise tracker, when selecting the CBTA matrix, you have the option to specify a specific program and phase. You can choose between any CBTA enabled programs the student is attached to, and the matrix solely reflects the competencies based on your selection.

You can find more information about the CBTA matrix here.