
Bulk editing users in FlightLogger

As an administrator you are allowed to bulk edit the status of students, instructors, staff, crew, renters and administrators via the Users page.

For each program, students can be set to:

  • Active
  • Standby
  • Completed
  • Discontinued

Note that user status is set per each program and that students need to be set as either Standby, Completed or Discontinued on all the programs they are attached to in order for them to not count as active students for which you are charged a monthly fee. You can find more info about student status in this article.

All other users can be set to either:

  • Active
  • Deactivated

How to bulk edit users

First, click Users in the top menu and then choose the type of users you wish to edit (students, instructors, crew, staff, administrators, renters or guests).

From here, click the list icon to switch to list view.

You can now choose between sorting by programs or by students

When sorting by programs

Screenshot 2023-04-28 at 11.02.47

Now, mark the users you wish to edit (1). Click Settings (2) and then choose the status you wish to set for the selected users, and click Ok on the popup to confirm the change.

Screenshot 2023-04-28 at 11.04.05

To redo a users status, simply choose the user(s) again and select the correct status.

When sorting by students  

First, choose to sort by Students in the filter option:

You then get a complete overview of all the users with the selected status (in this case active students)

To edit a student, click the arrow icon next the student name to see active programs. Then simply tick the program that you wish to edit the status of, then click Settings and select the desired program status.

Block/unblock users with bulk editing

The bulk editing functionality also allows you to block users as well as to remove blocking on users. 

Screenshot 2023-04-28 at 11.06.44

Blocked users are marked with an icon in the list view, to allow you to easily identify those that have been blocked.

Remember that blocking a user only removes the user's access to your organization's FlightLogger account, while the user can still be set as active. To learn more, please view the video found on this page.