
Importing FlightLogger CSV export files into Microsoft Excel

FlightLogger reports can easily be exported as a CSV file for external use.

While it's easy to open a CSV file when using Mac OS via Mac Numbers, it can be a bit more tricky to do correctly in Excel on either a PC or a Mac device, especially if you need to export any country-specific characters (like for example æ, ø and å in Denmark). 

Thus, we have created this quick guide explaining how to correctly import a FlightLogger CSV report into Microsoft Excel.

Step 1: export your chosen report from FlightLogger

This is easily done by clicking Export As and then selecting CSV (Excel) on the given report.

Screenshot 2023-05-02 at 13.22.05

The CSV report is now automatically downloaded to your computer, typically located in the Downloads folder (unless your personal Windows settings state differently).

Step 2: import the file into Microsoft Excel

The below example is done using Excel on a Mac. Though it looks a little bit different on a Windows PC, the process is very similar to the below description.

- First open a new spreadsheet in Excel. From here, click File and then Import.

- Now choose the file format of the file you wish to import. Keep it at CSV file and click Import.

Now choose the file you exported from FlightLogger. As mentioned, this would typically be found in your Downloads folder.

- Choose the file and click Get Data

Next step very important step is to tell Excel how the data in your CSV file should be imported.

  1. Choose Delimited
  2. Set the Start import at row box to 1
  3. Set File origin to Unicode (UTF-8). This ensures that data is imported correctly regardless of country specific characters etc.
  4. Click Next

The next setting defines which delimiter is used to separate your data in the CSV file. FlightLogger exports are always delimited with commas, so therefore:

  1. Tick Comma and untick all other fields
  2. Click Next

The next setting allows you to define how date fields should be shown in your excel file. This is set per date field. This is just an optional setting, and if you don'r want to edit it simply click Finish

In case you wish to define how date fields should be imported. do the following:

  1. Select the first column that holds date fields
  2. Select Date and choose how you wish the date to be shown
  3. Repeat with other date fields if applicable
  4. When done, click Finish

Final thing to do is to define where the data should be placed.

Keep the default setting and click OK.

Now the CSV file is imported on your Excel file. Once the import has completed, you are ready to use the data for whatever you want.

- Remember to save the file as an Excel file before closing it.