Ground Training warnings
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  2. Warnings
  3. Ground Training warnings

Managing ground training warnings

In this article we will teach you how to manage Ground Training warnings.

When creating a new ground training program the categories within are used for both booking and registration of class theory, progress test, theory releases and exams.

There are three ground training warnings you can set up and configure when creating a ground training program and they are all connected to the exams done with a student.

Attempt warning

Will give a warning on the student's profile if the student has more than X failed exams (normal max = 3) in the same subject (e.g. MET)

The same warning will flash in the master ground training warning list which you find via Warnings -> Ground training warnings

Expiry warning

Will give a warning on the student's profile if the student spends more than X month (normal max = 18 months) after the first theory exams before all exams are passed.

The same warning will flash in the master ground training warning list which you find via Warnings -> Ground training warnings

Sitting warning

Will give a warning on the student's profile if the student uses more than X sitting groups (normal max = 6)

The same warning will flash in the master ground training warning list which you find via Warnings -> Ground training warnings

Providing access to the ground training warning overview

As an administrator you can access the Administration -> Account settings -> User settings , and then go to the Warnings section.

Here you can configure who is allowed to access ground training warnings of all users.

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