Ground Training Programs

Moving Extra Theory registrations from the Extra Theory program

This article explains the simple process of moving Extra Theory registrations from the Extra Theory program.

If you have a ground training program called Extra Theory it is a result of the migration we did in May 2024 from the old theory courses to the new ground training programs. During the migration, any extra theory sessions that we were not able to attach to the correct ground training program with 100% certainty, we instead put in this program.

We have created a simple process that makes it simple for you to move the extra theory programs to the correct ground training program manually before deactivating the Extra Theory program on your account.

Note that this process is something that only needs to be done ones after the migration, and only if you see the Extra Theory ground training program on your account.

The video below shows how to use the Student overview to open students with registrations on the Extra Theory program and move their Extra Theory registrations to the correct program.

  • On the student page, select the Extra Theory program, and click Extra Theory on the menu to the right. Now open each registration one at a time by clicking the pencil icon.
  • Select the correct program to move the registration to. Note that this action cannot be undone, so pay close attention to doing this correctly. Click Submit changes to complete the move.
  • Repeat with all extra theory registrations and when done, you can remove the program from the user.

When this process is completed for all student on the program, then simply deactivate the Extra Theory program on your account if it isn't already deactivated.

That's all.