
Our database hosted by Heroku and Amazon

Details concerning the technical issues experienced on October 18th 2021:

FlightLogger database software is maintained by our hosting partners Heroku and Amazon and is always kept up to date by them.

Their last update was done on 2021/09/30, which is “a long time ago” compared to how much FlightLogger is being used.

FlightLogger has never experienced this problem before with the database software (PostgreSQL).

In order to be able to be more proactive - and hopefully prevent any such downtime/interruptions again - we have added a new type of alerts, that we hope will warn if a similar situation is “under development”. 

We hope that this will allow us to take actions even before any partner can experience anything in the future. Additionally, we will be monitoring closely if the hosting provider is sending out any notifications of new updates to the database system.

If you have any further questions to the above then please don't hesitate to contact us via