
Production report

FlightLogger provides a summary of all your all your business / production activities for example schools flights, rentals etc.

Choosing Reports - Production report, will open up a overview of your activities in a specific time period.

Apart from setting a specific time period and exporting reports, you will also have the opportunity to toggle between Aircraft or Business summaries.

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On the top of the page you will get a pie-chart giving total hours flown on your resources (aircraft, helicopter, simulators). These are displayed as both a percentage breakdown and actual hours.

You will notice that the word "Primary" occurs several times. This is to indicate that all hours are taken from the primary timer, which you have set up in your aircraft settings.

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Below the pie-chart, you will get a breakdown of each aircraft.

All aircraft movements has been divided under type of movement.

The total amount of hours for each movement, in the specific time period, is shown, based upon the timers you have chosen for each aircraft.

A landing overview is also provided for each movement.

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On the top of the page you will get a pie-chart giving total hours of your production for all activities in your organisation, for example programs, rentals etc.. These are displayed as both a percentage breakdown and actual hours.

Like with on the Aircraft chart, you will notice that the word "Primary" occurs several times. This is to indicate that all hours are taken from the primary timer, which you have set up in your aircraft settings.

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Below the pie-chart, you will get a breakdown of each activity.

All activities has been divided under aircraft used for the activity.

The total amount of hours for each activity, in the specific time period, is shown, based upon the timers you have chosen for each aircraft.

A landing overview is also provided for each activity.

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