Aircraft, Classrooms & Airports
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Setting a specific timer on your aircraft

In FlightLogger you have the option of logging both block and airborne time. On top of that, you can set an additional timer to be logged on each of your aircraft.

Choose between these timer options:

  • Tach
  • Hobbs
  • Airswitch
  • VDO
  • EDU
  • Flight time

For all timing options, you additionally have the option whether to log in decimals or hours:minutes.

Logged time is automatically included in FlightLogger's various reports.

How to set a specific timer on an aircraft

To set a specific timer on one of your aircraft, go to Administration -> Aircraft.

Click the edit (pencil) icon on the aircraft you wish to edit.

Screenshot 2023-05-09 at 11.14.30

Tick the Enable timer box.

Screenshot 2023-05-09 at 11.15.12

Now select your preferred timer for the aircraft. In this example we pick Hobbs.

Choose between logging decimals or hours:minutes. Here we pick hours:minutes.

Screenshot 2023-05-09 at 11.16.10

Choose if you wish to setup a warning to display if the timer times differ more than a certain percentage from either airborne or block hours when logging a lesson, operation or rental flight.

Screenshot 2023-05-09 at 11.17.07

Finally, check that the timer reading also matches the one of your aircraft, and click Update aircraft to finish, and you're all done.

Screenshot 2023-05-09 at 11.17.45

Concerning aircraft maintenance and timers

Note that your aircraft maintenance parts can be set to expire depending on timers accordingly. Via the Administration -> Requirements -> Create, simply choose Expires on timer when setting up a maintenance requirement, and your warnings will use whatever timers you have set on each of your aircraft.

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