The Departure/Arrival page

Setting up a Departure/Arrival board for kiosk screens

The Departure/Arrival page is typically one of the screens that you want to display on your internal kiosk screens, where everybody can see them.

To set this up, we recommend that you use FlightLogger's kiosk screen feature, since this will prevent viewers from seeing any other pages in FlightLogger without a personal login.

How to set up a Departure/Arrival kiosk screen

To set up a kiosk screen, you must be an administrator on your FlightLogger account.

Go to Administration -> Account Settings -> Kiosk solution

Click the dropdown field and scroll to the Departure/Arrival section, where you can choose between the three screens:

  • Arrival only view
  • Departure only view
  • Departure/Arrival view

Screenshot 2023-05-02 at 15.00.13

Select the one you wish to create a link for. The dropdown closes and you can copy the link displayed in the field just below. This link can now be pasted into the browser of your info screen - we recommend that you use an incognito browser when using kiosk screens.

If you have more screens, you could create one link to show departures on one screen and another link to show arrivals on the other screen.