Data Backup Module

Setting up Data Backup Module using OneDrive for Business

In this article, we share our recommendations on how to set up the FlightLogger Data Backup Module (DBM) using the Microsoft OneDrive for Business integration.

Note that due to a generally more smoothly running functionality, easier control of data access, and less network traffic we do recommend using the Microsoft OneDrive Personal integration unless you have corporate reasons for using OneDrive for Business for the backup.

Step 1: Set up and configure a dedicated user for the integration

When establishing the connection between FlightLogger and OneDrive for Business, it is important to note that due to Microsoft OneDrive policies, FlightLogger will get data access according to the user's access rights in OneDrive for Business. (See for example this discussion for more technical info.)

At FlightLogger, we would of course never exploit this, but we still recommend setting up a limitation of the data access by creating a FlightLogger DBM user on your OneDrive for Business account.

Via the user's OneDrive settings, make sure to restrict this user's access rights to only include the folder where your data backup of FlightLogger data should be stored on your OneDrive account.

On your OneDrive FlightLogger DBM user, we recommend sharing the folder where the FlightLogger data backup is stored with the admins that should have access to the backup files. This will allow your administrators access to your local backup files without logging into the FlightLogger DBM user's OneDrive account.

For how to perform the steps mentioned above, we refer to your Microsoft OneDrive documentation.

When these steps are done, you are ready to set up the data backup integration in FlightLogger. 

Step 2: Set up the integration in FlightLogger

The integration is set up in FlightLogger via Administration -> Account Settings -> Data Backup Module (DBM).

Screenshot 2023-05-09 at 10.23.29

Note that your Data Backup Module license only allows for one integration, so if you already use one of the other backup options, you will need to stop that integration before proceeding.

Click 'Integrate with OneDrive (Business)' to start setting up the integration.

You are now redirected to the Microsoft login page where you must log in with your OneDrive dummy user credentials.

Follow any further steps of the Microsoft integration and the integration is automatically configured. Your FlightLogger DBM settings should now look like this:

Screenshot 2023-05-09 at 10.24.57

Final thing you need to do is to configure how often you would like FlightLogger to run a backup of the different data categories, using the dropdowns in your settings. Save your settings and your integration setup is complete.

Note that when the integration is set up, FlightLogger will run a full synchronization of all your FlightLogger account's data the following night (your local time).

Depending on the amount of data on your FlightLogger account, it will take some time to perform the first data sync, but it should not affect the performance of your FlightLogger account.

Discontinuing integration/revoking permissions

If you wish to discontinue/stop the OneDrive integration, you first have to click the 'Stop integration with OneDrive' button (see the previous image). Additionally, you may want to revoke the permissions granted to FlightLogger during integration. For Microsoft OneDrive Business accounts, this can be done via the Account Applications Page

For Microsoft OneDrive Personal accounts, this can be done via the Application Consents Page