Getting Started

Setting up inactivity log out

As a FlightLogger customer, you can setup up your account with the inactivity log out feature, which automatically log out any user that is inactive in the timeframe chosen by the customer.

FlightLoggers predetermined timeframes are: 
  • 1 min
  • 5 min
  • 15 min
  • 30 min
  • 45 min
  • 1 hour
  • 6 hour
  • 12 hour
  • 18 hour
  • 24 hour
The inactivity feature does not affect your kiosk solution.

Logout Options 

Customers have two options to determine, which users are affected by the setting. 
1: All users affected by inactivity log out.
This will log out any user that is inactive for more than the selected timeframe.
2: Only users from "public or shared device" will be affected by inactivity log out.
During login, the user will choose if logging in from a "public or shared device" or from a "private device" (See attached screenshot). Users that choose to log in from a "private device" will not be affected by inactivity log out.

How to setup the Inactivity log out feature

Currently FlightLogger activates the feature, so simply let us know if you want to activate the feature and let us know if you prefer "option 1" or "option 2" and what the timeframe should be. 


To avoid any confusion when users experience an inactivity log out, FlightLogger recommends that communication to staff and students has high priority, when the feature is activated,