Live flight tracking

Setting up the Spidertracks integration in FlightLogger

This article provides a step-by-step instruction in setting up the Spidertracks integration available in FlightLogger

Please note that in order to use the Spidertracks integration your organisation must have an active Spidertracks account as well as a spider device installed in the aircraft that you wish to add flight tracks into FlightLogger for. Also note that you must be an admin user in FlightLogger to set this up.

How to connect Your FlightLogger account with your Spidertracks account

The Spidertracks connection must be set up from your Spidertracks account. So, first go to and log in with your Spidertracks credentials.

Spidertracks 1

When logged in, open the settings page and then go to Integrations -> Manage Apps:

Screenshot 2023-11-15 at 11.40.22

Click the Connect button:

Screenshot 2023-11-15 at 14.39.57

This sends you to your my|FlightLogger login page. Here, log in with your FlightLogger credentials:

Screenshot 2023-11-15 at 11.41.13

Now, select which of your connected FlightLogger organisations the Spidertracks account should connect with.


Log in with your Spidertracks credentials again:

Screenshot 2023-11-15 at 14.46.58

If you go to Integrations -> Manage Apps, you can now see that the connection is completed.

Screenshot 2023-11-15 at 14.48.56

Final step is to connect your aircraft in FlightLogger with your aircraft in Spidertrack. Follow the instructions below to do this.

How to connect aircraft in FlightLogger with aircraft in Spidertracks

To connect an aircraft in FlightLogger with the corresponding aircraft in Spidertracks to begin the automatic retrieval and attachment of tracks, go to Administration -> Account settings -> Flight tracking in your FlightLogger account.

Locate the relevant aircraft and click the Edit button.

Screenshot 2023-11-15 at 15.03.45

Select Spidertracks and insert the aircraft registration that you find on your Spidertracks account. Note that it must be written exactly the same way for FlightLogger to identify it.

Screenshot 2023-11-15 at 15.06.53

Screenshot 2023-11-15 at 15.07.58

Click Save and FlightLogger will complete the connection and search for all tracks generated within the latest 7 days. Once the connection is completed, a green checkmark is displayed in the Live tracking and Store tracks columns.

Repeat this process for each aircraft. When done, your Spidertracks integration is completed.