Release Notes

Software update 03/10/2022 - Touch device-friendly booking, 2-click lesson booking time adjustment

Dear administrators, It's time for our 7th major, free update this year!

On Monday the 3rd of October at 06:00 UTC we are going to release another update on all FlightLogger accounts. There's no downtime expected for this update, so please just continue with your operations while we roll out the update.

The upcoming release holds two major improvements:

  • new booking feature for easy booking on touch devices
  • new feature to adjust single & multi-student booking times to selected lesson

Apart from that, we have as always added a number of minor improvements and bug fixes based on your feedback.

For the short version, take a look at this short introduction video we have created.

Otherwise, take a look at the introduction below.

New booking feature for easy bookings on touch devices

Some of the feedback we received on the redesigned booking page we released some months ago is that it can sometimes be a challenge to make bookings on touch devices.

Therefore we are now releasing a completely new way to create, edit and delete bookings. While it works great on all devices, it has been specially made for iPads, iPhones, and Android devices.

All users with the necessary booking rights in FlightLogger will from now on get a PLUS (+) icon on the left top of the booking page.


Touching/clicking the PLUS icon opens a full-screen booking form, that makes it easy to make your scheduling without worrying about zooming, scrolling, or dragging anything.

How the new booking form works

The new booking form has a number of tabs depending on which type of booking you initially selected. The tabs structure all the booking information into the following three categories:

  1. Resource (aircraft, simulator, classroom) & time
  2. People (instructor, student/class & lesson, renter, PIC, etc.)
  3. Comments & documents

After choosing the booking type you simply fill in the fields and use the navigation buttons to navigate between the tabs. When done, simply click Create on the final tab.

Here's an example of how simple it is to use the new booking feature using an iPad:


New feature to adjust single & multi-student booking times to selected lesson

The other exciting addition we have included in this update is not for touch devices. When creating or editing a single or multi-student booking on a computer, a clock icon now appears next to the lesson field. 


The clock icon allows you to quickly match the time fields to the selected lesson, using the Off block time as a reference for calculating all times

1st click: Adjusts the Briefing and Debriefing times according to the selected lesson (example below is for a lesson with a 45-minute briefing and a 30-minute debriefing time). The icons next to the time switch to green when times match the selected lesson.


2nd click: Adjusts the On block time in the same way, and adjust the Debriefing time accordingly (below example has a 2-hour flight time). All icons including the clock icon then become green to verify that all times on the booking now match the selected lesson.



This way it's also easy for the scheduler to verify that the timing of bookings matches the scheduled lessons. 

Note that on multi-student bookings it's always the lesson chosen for Student 1 that determines the booking times when using the clock icon.


Minor improvements and bug fixes

We have as always included some small improvements and some bug fixes with this update. Thanks for the great feedback we receive through our support channel as well as through our client care team.

Feel free to reach out via mail to if you have any questions or any ideas in how we can improve FlightLogger even further to the benefit all flight training organizations using our platform.


Best regards,
