Release Notes

Software update 05/09/2022 - 2-factor authentication & redesigned account settings

On Monday the 5th of September at 06:00 UTC we will release a new software update on your account. There's no downtime expected for this update, so you should not notice anything except the improvements described below.

Dear administrators,

It's time for our 6th major, free update this year!

On Monday the 5th of September at 06:00 UTC we will release a new software update on your account. There's no downtime expected for this update, so you should not notice anything except the improvements described below.

The upcoming release holds two major improvements:

  • improved security with 2-factor authentication
  • redesigned account settings area

Apart from that, we have as always added a number of minor improvements and bug fixes based on the awesome input from our users. 

For the short version, watch this little video we made around the update.

Otherwise, take a look at the introduction below.

Improved security with 2-factor authentication

Based on wishes from many FlightLogger clients we are now introducing 2-factor authentication in FlightLogger.

2-factor authentication is a well-known method for adding an extra layer of security by introducing an extra step to the login process. When enabled, users receive an email with a unique 6-digit code when logging in to FlightLogger. This code must be inserted before the user can access an account.

For now, users must activate 2-factor authentication themselves. We are working on various scenarios for making it possible to roll it out for your entire organization, but more on that later.

To activate 2-factor authentication users must click the yellow button shown below. We recommend that you ask your users to activate it as soon as possible for the sake of security.


Redesigned account settings area

The main part of this update is dedicated to all FlightLogger administrators. It introduces a completely restructured account settings area which hopefully makes it easier to administrate how FlightLogger is used in your organization.

In short, we have taken a look at each and every account setting to see how we could make it easier for you to find it and not least to understand it. For example, we have gathered all settings that control user rights in one section, and all settings concerning the appearance of your account in another one.

This means you will now have just 15 sections in the account setting, where you previously had 25.

Help center articles to explain each setting

To help you even further, we have for each account setting area created a help center article that shortly explains each setting. The help center article is always just a click away, using the link found in each section:


Join our free webinar on the account settings redesign

To make sure you get a good start with the new account settings structure we have planned a 30-minute webinar for all administrators. Here, we explain the logic behind the new structure and we answer any questions you may have as an administrator.

Find more information and register for the webinar from here.

Minor improvements and bug fixes

As always, we have included several small improvements and some bug fixes with this update. Thanks to all of you for providing the feedback that allowed us to make both big and small improvements. We truly appreciate all your contributions.

We really hope you will like the new account settings structure and the improved security measures we have introduced this time.