Release Notes

Software update 07/06/2022 - New booking page - live and consolidated!

On Tuesday June 7th at 05:00 UTC we'll release this year's 4th update.

(NOTE: up to 60 min downtime)

It has been a while since our last major update, but our development team is now ready to launch what we think will be one of the absolute highlights this year!

On Tuesday June 7th at 05:00 UTC we'll release this year's 4th update.

This update has to do with the most central component of the FlightLogger software – the booking page. Therefore, please note that our developers need to close the entire service for up to 60 minutes while we update the entire database.

Our apologies for this, we promise it will be worth it.

Introducing FlightLogger's new booking page

The upcoming update introduces a completely redesigned booking page that our developers have been working tirelessly on for months.

At first glance you won’t see any radical changes of the look and feel of the booking page, but almost everything beneath the hood is new. Loads of new code strings have been written, tested, re-written and re-tested again and again until we were finally happy with the new version.

But why change something that works fine already, you might ask. To answer that question, we have below gathered the main arguments for giving you a new booking page.

The new booking page is live-updated

The first reason for redesigning the booking page is that we aim to make everything you see in FlightLogger “live”.

Using the old booking page you would sometimes need to refresh your browser to be sure to have completely updated info. That’s not really how we want it for our partners.

So, on the redesigned booking page, everything updates automatically to make sure you always have a 100% correct overview of your operations. From now on, any changes made by your colleagues immediately appear on your screen including on any kiosk screens you have set up (and don't worry, these should be updated automatically when we do the update) - which means you get improved situational awareness with FlightLogger.

All the old booking pages merged into one page

The second thing you will notice on the new booking page is that there are no longer separate pages for dayweek, and month views, just like there is no separate page for creating bookings. Everything is merged into the same page, giving FlightLogger users a much easier navigation. The new page is still found in your menu under Bookings, but now called Day/Week/Month.

Using this dropdown on the new booking page you can shift between dayweek, and month view.


As a booking administrator it's easy to unlock the page to create, edit and delete bookings from the day view (update and delete from the week view as well).


New month view provides valuable insight on resource availability

Our development team has given many thoughts and considerations to how the month view could possibly provide the maximum value for our partners given the confined space it offers per day.

Based on this, together with lots of great input from our partners, we have created some brand-new functionality that uses color to display the degree of availability for each resource. Green means the resource is highly available, yellow means medium available, and red means the resource availability is low.

Colors tell you how much your resources are occupied for each day.


It's easy to edit how to display your resource availability from the month view using the settings button.


The month view of course also provides a quick access to see the specific bookings done on a resource. Simply click a cell to select a resource and a date, and the specific bookings are shown.

View bookings made on a specific resource at a certain date.


Note that month is view-only, no matter if you are a booking administrator or not.

Additional minor improvements

Worth mentioning are some of the smaller improvements we also added to the booking page.

Update and reuse booking function has been added to streamline the process of creating several bookings:



Optional display of week numbers - can be toggled on/off via your account settings:



Filter information shown in the resource column - makes it easier to see the viewing filter currently applied:



Revert your booking zoom slider to your account's default settings - click the icon just right of the booking zoom slider to revert:



One-click access to resources - access aircraft and user pages via their call sign (provided you have the necessary user rights:


Send us your thoughts and suggestions

As always we would really appreciate your feedback on the new booking page. Please tell us what you like and dislike, and we'll use your input when planning our next developments.

Thanks a lot, and we really hope you like the new booking page!


Best regards,
