Release Notes

Software update - 10/04/2020

Integrated Flight Time Limitation Module

Here's what was released with this update:

  • Customizable flight time warning set up
  • Flight time limitation booking warning
  • Flight time limitation user warning
  • Flight time limitation warning list
FTLM detailed information:


Customisable flight time warning set up

At FlightLogger, we believe an essential function about a Flight Time Limitation system is that the warnings are customisable. Hence each customer will be able to customise the warning set up themself via Administation->Flight time limitation to control when and a flight time limitation warning triggers.


Flight time limitation booking warning

To avoid scheduling users that have reached their maximum flight time according to warning set up, any booking administrator with the Flight Time Limitation Module activated will get a warning during scheduling.

The new flight time limitation warning will show in line with the certificate warning, need sign off warning (new), availabillity warning and accounting warning (for those who use the Student Accounting Module).

This way the booking administrator will have the full overview of which users are up to date and who is not.

*Note that the new ‘need sign off warning’ shown below will be a part of the ‘basic FlightLogger’ so the FTLM do not need to be activated to get this warning


Flight time limitation user warning

Each user user will see individual warnings on their frontpage of FlightLogger as well as on their FlightLogger profile. This to keep the user aware that he/she is getting close to or has reached the maximum flight time according to warning set up.

The individual flight time limitation warnings will show together with the certificate warnings to give users a full overview of his limitations/requrements.




Flight time limitation warning list

Administrator in FlightLogger will have access to a flight time limitation warning list.
The flight time limitation warning list will provide administrators with a complete overview of all users that are getting close to or have reached the maximum flight time according to the warning set up.

The new flight time limitation warning list comes with customisable filter settings similar to the existing certificate, ground school and maintenance warning lists.

If you want to know more about FlightLogger’s Dropbox Integration Module (DIM) please write to


Special thanks and support

We would like to send a big ‘THANK YOU’  to all customer who have contributed with feedback allowing us to develop the new Flight Time Limitation Module and look forward to receiving further feedback from all customers who chooses to activate the new module.

In general, all customer feedback is highly appreciated as this is what ensures our team can continue evolving FightLogger according to our customers needs. Hence please continue sending any feedback you have via