Release Notes

Software update - 10/06/2019

Ground school improvements

Here's what was released with this update:

Ground School Improvements

This update contains two ground school improvements.

“Attachments to theory registrations”

The first improvement is the possibility to “Add attachments” to ground school registrations including class theory, progress test, theory releases, exams, extra theory and type questionnaires. Attachments can be uploaded by the ground instructor during his/her registration of attendance/grades live in the classroom.

When the registration is completed the number of attachments will appear on the registration for instructors and administrators. NB. therefore the attachment should only be used for material, which can be shared.

Entering the registration will show the names of the attachment(s) and provide the option to edit the registration including adding or removing attachment(s)

Improved Theory selection

To avoid searching in one endless “theory dropdown” customers have requested an improved overview to select the correct “Theory Course” and “Theory Category”. Hence users now select the “Theory Course” first, so only the “Theory Categories” in that course are available for selection.

Bug Fixes

Following the major update released on the 1st of July, some bugs were bound to be identified. Due to our internal quality assurance, only minor issues have been found. Some of the issues were fixed immediately, while the rest have been included in this update.

A big – THANK YOU – to all customers who have reported the issues found via
We truly appreciate you take the time to report these issues and hope for your future contributions, thank you.