Release Notes

Software update 11/01/2023 - Twilight and night indicators on the Booking page

It's time for the first major update of 2023

On Wednesday the 11th of January at 07:00 UTC we will be releasing the first major update of 2023 on all FlightLogger accounts. No downtime is needed for this update, so please just continue your normal operation while we roll out the update.

Our first update brings one of the most wanted features among many of our clients, and one that we believe all of you will be happy to see: We're introducing twilight and night indicators on the booking page!

Watch this video for the super brief introduction:


Or, take a look at the walk-through below.

How does the twilight and night indicators work?

Basically, the twilight and night indicators make it easy for you to see the exact times of day, night, and twilight based on the selected date end the location of your organization. This way your planners get a visual assistant that makes it easy to see on the booking page when day and night flights can be booked.

Twilight and night is displayed on all aircraft and class room rows through the greyed background color, as shown here:

Also, exact times for switching between day, twilight, and night are displayed on each header line inside the calendar:

When enabled, twilight and night indicators are displayed on the daily and weekly views.


As default, the twilight and night indicator function will be enabled on your account when we roll out the update. We will automatically set the location based on the airport that most of your aircraft has set as home airport, but it's easy to change this. See below to learn how.

How to change twilight and night indicator airport

Note that to change these setting you must be an administrator.

Go to Administration -> Account Settings -> Booking

Go to the Airport setting and select the airport location that you would like your twilight and night indicator to be based on (the list includes all airports, both 3 and 4 letter abbreviations).

Click Save and you're done.

How to toggle twilight and night indicators on/off

Again, Go to Administration -> Account Settings -> Booking

Find the setting called Display twilight and night indicators on booking pages, and choose your selection.

Click Save.

Minor improvements and bug fixes

As always, the upcoming update also includes several minor updates and small bug fixes. We'll reach out to those of you that have reported anything related to this update to let you know about the improvement or fix. 

Thanks a lot for all your input, and please continue to let us know about your ideas, challenges and other input via email to

We hope you will like the new twilight and night indicator feature.