Release Notes

Software update - 14/01/2019

FlightLogger development projects 2019

Here's what was released with this update:

Update #1: Improved Flight Registration Page

The ‘Flight registration page’ adventure began last quarter of 2018, with a process of workshops and specs. An important part of the workshop and spec was to include as many customer inputs as possible into the new improved registration page while making sure that the development could progress accordingly, and thus resulting in the best possible end result!

We are now in the testing stage, where we in FlightLogger always do very thorough testing, before launching a new update.

The major difference impacting FlightLogger with this update will be the workflow optimization and user experience for the end user, thus the student and the instructor. The new design of the flight registration page will be optimized to a tablet but will still support a desktop browser as is does today. It will include tabs allowing the user to quickly jump back and forth between the different phases of a flight operation, all merged into an overall cleaner design.

Our goal is to make it much easier for the student and the instructor to use a tablet through-out the registration. From the briefing room, into the aircraft and back to the debriefing. All in order to make the whole operation around FlightLogger as smooth as possible.

The new functionalities of this update will, among other things, include both a new briefing comment, a new “split functionality” to split a flight (IFR/VFR, DAY/NIGHT, PM/PF), new attachment feature as well as a new instructor to instructor notes, and a new student note in the debriefing area.

Update #2: New CBTA module (Competency Based Training and Assessment)

The thoughts and specs behind the new CBTA module are developed in cooperation with customers and people associated with EASA, thus aid us to follow the guidelines set out by aviation lawmakers. This way, we make sure the new module follows the industry guidelines, which both the academy, CAA, sponsors, instructors, and students will experience during their future pilot training.

FlightLogger is today supporting customers all around the world. It does not make sense to force this update onto everybody’s account, thus, the new CBTA will be released as an add-on module, of which there will soon be five choices:

  • Safety Management Module
  • Dropbox Integration Module
  • Student Accounting Module
  • Guest user Module
  • CBTA Module (in progress)

This way, it will only be used by customers where it makes sense to establish.

Update #3: FlightLogger App for IOS and Android

The final major project we are working on is our new FlightLogger App!
We are now about to finish the basic design. The main goal with the app is to improve the operational experience of FlightLogger for instructors and students, in order for them to deliver high-quality data to the administration. Secondly, the app will add an improved offline workflow, as well as a new notification centre for bookings, certificates, messages, and lesson approvals.

All three major projects would not be possible without our excellent team, which has expanded this year to 7 fulltime employees and 3 parttime. We are happy to make enforcement to both our software development team and our business development team in order to give our customers an even better service.

We are truly looking forward to releasing all three development projects for our customers!
The team is doing its best to satisfy one and all, with the continued development of our Flight Training Management Software.