Release Notes

Software update 21/02/2023 - Introducing my|FlightLogger

It's time for the 2nd major update of 2023 - this time introducing the brand new my|FlightLogger service, free for all who have a FlightLogger profile.

On Tuesday the 21st of February at 07:00 UTC our development team will be releasing the second major update of 2023. We do not expect any downtime for the update, however:

Be aware that all users will be logged out of FlightLogger and will be required to update their user password right after we have released the update.



What is my|FlightLogger?

For a quick intro, we recommend that you watch this video:


my|FlightLogger is a free, personal web-based service exclusively for aviators who have ever had a FlightLogger profile, providing all the following features:

  • A completely re-designed login page for your FlightLogger organization
    ...together with my|FlightLogger, we introduce a brand-new login page with a modern design featuring your organization's logo and colors to signal that your organization uses the most modern technology for managing your training operations. Here's an example:
  • Single sign-on access to users' associated FlightLogger organizations|FlightLogger provides access to all the FlightLogger organizations where you have a profile, using just one login email and password.
  • A personal logbook
    ...that automatically fetches and displays flights from associated FlightLogger profiles with a detailed summary of total hours, also allowing the user to log additional flights that also get automatically synchronized with all associated FlightLogger organizations.
  • API tokens
    ...users can create and manage API tokens to synchronize data from associated FlightLogger accounts with 3rd party systems (*data can also be restricted by the user settings set on the training organizations' account, so your organization is in full control of data).

Later on, we will add more features to make my|FlightLogger an indispensable resource for anyone using FlightLogger. For example:

  • Certificate library
    ...where the user can manage personal certificates including medicals, proficiency checks, etc.
  • Flight training journal
    ...holding all personal training records on completed and ongoing training at associated FlightLogger organizations.

What happens when my|FlightLogger goes live

On Tuesday the 21st of February at 07:00 UTC - when we release my|FlightLogger - all users will be logged out of FlightLogger and directed to the my|FlightLogger login page, where they will be prompted to create a new password before logging in.

When the user password has been renewed, your users have 2 options for logging in to your organization's FlightLogger account:

  1. Via your normal FlightLogger login page ( which, by the way, we have also given a new, fresh look (see below).
  2. By logging in to their personal my|FlightLogger account on

Please instruct your users (including guest users) that they must complete the new password creation before they can access their FlightLogger account again.

After the update, this is how the new login pages will look:

new-login-page Screenshot 2023-02-16 at 15.40.53

Your organization's new login
page layout will have your
organization's logo and colors

The login page to my|FlightLogger ( with
1-click access to associated FlightLogger accounts

How does my|FlightLogger affect your FlightLogger account?

The fact that your users now have a personal my|FlightLogger account has very little effect on your organization's FlightLogger account, but there are a few things that change:

  • The email address of each profile will be defined from their my|FlightLogger account, and you will no longer have access to edit this, except when creating a new user.
  • Manual logbook entries (from now on called "external entries") have been moved to the users' own my|FlightLogger account. This way, users can add a logbook entry from there, and all new entries are automatically synchronized to the logbooks of the associated FlightLogger organizations where they are included when calculating flight time limitation warnings. Note that no flight records (or any other data) are synchronized between the associated FlightLogger organizations.
  • When you add new user profiles to your organization, a my|FlightLogger account is automatically created for them, and they will be prompted to create a log in password from there. From there on, the user will manage the profile email address.

Other than that, you will not notice any other difference inside your FlightLogger organization.

Contact FlightLogger Support at any time

As always, we would love to have your feedback on the new my|FlightLogger service, including suggestions and wishes for how we can make it even better.

We really hope you will like it and we look forward to releasing the next versions later on.

All the best,
