Release Notes

Software update - 22/09/2020

Competency Based Training & Assessment with FlightLogger CBTA Pro

We are super excited to announce the launch of our brand-new version of FlightLogger called CBTA Pro, enabling competency based training and assessment (CBTA) from within your FlightLogger platform.

All the advanced CBTA features are made available for customers upgrading to the CBTA Pro version together with the software update we will release.



So, what do we have in line for you?
Well, we dare to call it the most advanced CBTA system available inside a flight school management system, while still a tool that’s easy to use for any school wanting to go ahead with competency-based training using FlightLogger.

Here’s what schools upgrading to FlightLogger CBTA Pro can look forward to:

Competency-based assessment built into the platform you already know

With FlightLogger CBTA Pro at hand you no longer just grade your students’ performance on the specific lesson exercise, but also on their most essential core competencies for flight crew.

In practice, it means all exercises in each of your programs' lessons are attached to a flight phase and assigned a norm grade according to your standards.

The core competency layer is added on top of the exercise gradings your instructors do today when registering a school flight. In case a student performs an exercise either below or above the norm grade, your instructors get to easily identify the core competencies (including the underlying performance indicators) that caused the student to perform below or above par.

Easy student evaluation

Based on the competency-based assessments made, FlightLogger collects each student’s data to give you and your staff valuable input on how each student's core competencies are developing related to each flight phase.

Both your staff and the student thereby get a clear visualization of which competencies should get extra attention via the new CBTA matrix integrated into the flight registration and grading workflow.

FlightLogger CBTA Pro is by default set up to comply with authorities' best practice recommendations, which means they follow EASA/ICAO standards. However, being fully customizable, FlightLogger CBTA Pro can be easily set up to match your own preferred standards.

More CBTA functionality on the way

Competency-based training will be central for future pilot training and of course, further functionality will be added to FlightLogger CBTA Pro later on. We are for example looking at ways to show accumulated ratings on core competencies for an entire school, per instructor or other entities. This will allow schools to evaluate where you as a school need to put your focus, based on evidence in the form of assessment data.

Get more info on FlightLogger CBTA Pro

To find out more about this exciting new release, please visit our website here

Also, we have published a couple of videos here in the FlightLogger help center. Simply click here and then select the CBTA Pro section to find videos and more.

How to get started

To launch competency-based training in your training organization takes very little effort from you.

Simply order the upgrade to FlightLogger CBTA Pro and from here, all you need to do is to add a new revision of your existing program, connect it with your preferred core competencies, underlying performance indicators, and flight phases - then start training.

We kindly ask training organizations wishing to get started - or just to know more - on FlightLogger CBTA Pro, to contact us by sending an email to

We will then contact you to set up a demo of the new CBTA features including pricing, etc.

After that, you should be ready to begin.


Additional improvements released with this update

Besides making FlightLogger CBTA Pro available, we launch a few other improvements with the update released on the 22nd of September.

Here are the most important ones:

Ability to upload multiple files to certificates

Many of you have asked for an ability to upload more than one file to certificates. With this update, we have added the possibility of doing that very easily, simply by allowing for uploading more files in the certificate upload function.


Kiosk solution - limited filter availability on bookings

Until this release, the kiosk solution has allowed for choosing among filters on booking kiosk screens directly. This is no longer possible via the kiosk screen, meaning you're in full control of the information available from each screen.

Via Administration -> Filters -> Booking you can create and save your preferred filters just like always.


From here, you can then go to Account Settings -> Kiosk Solution and choose the filters you have saved for your kiosk screen.



Your kiosk screen will then look according to your filter and without any filtering options.



Minor improvements and bug fixes

As always, we have included a number of other minor improvements and some bug fixes based on the great input we receive from our users every day.

We can't tell you enough how much we appreciate your feedback which is fundamental to making FlightLogger improve day by day. This time, we especially want to thank those training organizations that have helped us in the process of developing the awesome CBTA features now released. 

Thanks a lot, and we look forward to showing you all FlightLogger CBTA Pro ✈️

The FlightLogger Team