Release Notes

Software update 25/05/2024: Theory Courses become Ground Training Programs

We are ready to release our 4th major update of the year on Saturday May 25th at 07:00 UTC. Be aware that we expect up to 90 minutes of downtime to complete the migration of theory courses into ground training programs.

To all administrators, staff, crew, and instructors,

We are excited to announce one of the most significant updates in FlightLogger's history. After months of hard work, we are proud to introduce a new version of our software that will elevate your ground training management to a whole new level.

While this update is just the beginning of greater things to come, we believe it will already make a significant impact on your training processes.

For a quick intro to the upcoming update, please watch this short video:


Get an in-depth intro to the new ground training setup

To thoroughly introduce the new ground training setup to all of you, we would like to invite you to a free webinar where we will walk you through everything that you need to know.

Please sign up to participate in one of our 2 free webinars on Tuesday May 28th.

Register for the webinar here.

Introduction to FlightLogger's new ground training setup

We have so much to share with you about this latest release. The key highlight is our transformation of all existing theory courses into ground training programs, aligning them seamlessly with your flight training management in FlightLogger. This affects a lot of components in our software - all of them for the better, we guarantee.

These are the key highlights:

  • Theory Courses are now Ground Training Programs
  • Updated, streamlined Student folder
  • Revision control on Ground Training Programs
  • Assign same program multiple times to a student
  • Manage all programs via the Programs page
  • Enhancements to the Student overview
    • Bulk edit student program status
    • New filter on Students overview: Program type
  • Improvements to booking of ground training
  • Easy registration of ground training sessions

Please continue reading for more details.

Theory Courses are now Ground Training programs

With the latest update, your theory courses have been transformed into Ground Training programs, aligning and simplifying the management of ground training alongside flight training. 

Together with this transformation comes some name changes that you will see in the software:

  • "Theory course" is now "Ground training program"
  • "Theory Category" is now "Subject"
  • "Subject" is now "Lesson"

CSV report name changes

The name changes have also been reflected in the RAW data - theory report. If you utilize this CSV-report for custom reporting or for integration with third-party systems, we recommend adjusting it to align with these updated report naming conventions:

  • "Course" is now "Program"
  • "Category" is now "Subject"
  • "Subject" is now "Lesson" (for Class theory, Exams & Type questionnaires)
  • "Subject" is now "Note" (for Progress tests & Theory releases)

Updated, streamlined Student folder

The student folder has been improved to enhance user experience. Instead of a Theory menu item, all content is now conveniently located within the chosen ground training program in the Programs menu. 

  • Green programs are Ground Training programs
  • Blue programs are Flight Training programs

Next to the progress bar, you can easily select the type of ground training, such as progress tests or theory releases.

Revision control on Ground Training Programs

As part of this update, we are excited to introduce revision control for ground training programs. Similar to how it works with flight training programs, you now have the ability to create new revisions within the same program. This feature is especially useful for setting up recurrent training sessions and ensuring your training programs stay up-to-date.

The revision name is conveniently displayed next to the program name:

Assign same program multiple times to a student

One of the most sought-after features in FlightLogger has been the capability to assign a program multiple times to a student, particularly for handling recurrent training. This functionality is now available for both flight programs and ground training programs. All you need to do is create a new revision and then assign it to the student - it's a simple and straightforward process.

Manage all programs via the Programs page

After the update has been completed, the Programs page (located in Administration->Programs) will include both ground training and flight training programs, each categorized into fixed wing and rotary programs (editable in the program settings).

Ground training programs are represented with a green color, while flight training programs are blue. Icons are used to indicate whether it is a fixed wing or rotary program, providing a clear distinction between the two types.

This enhancement enables a more structured and efficient process, allowing for the easy creation and editing of both flight and ground training programs directly from this page.


If you previously had a placeholder (dummy) program solely for ground training, you can now deactivate it as it is no longer needed. Simply remove it from the Programs page to streamline your training management process.

Enhancements to the Students overview

We have made several enhancements to improve your viewing experience by allowing you to organize the student overview by classes, programs, or - as a new feature - by individual students.

Sorting by students provides a comprehensive view of the programs assigned to each student, complete with progress bars. You can easily edit the status of one or multiple programs for a specific student in a quick and straightforward manner.

Bulk edit student program status

Utilize this feature to efficiently edit the status of one or multiple programs for a particular student in bulk. Simply select the programs you want to edit, click on the Settings button, and then choose the desired program status.

This update includes one of the most significant data migrations within FlightLogger's history. Therefore, as an extra precaution, we recommend that you spend a moment to review all student program assignments to ensure accuracy.

Additionally, when deactivating students, remember to deactivate any ground training programs they are enrolled in. For this purpose we have introduced the new bulk edit feature mentioned above.

New filter on Students overview: Program type

When organizing your student page by programs, you will find a mix of ground training and two distinct types of flight training (fixed wing and rotary). To enhance your user experience, we have included a new filtering option that enables you to easily sort through these three program types.

Improvements to booking of ground training

As part of this update, we have also made enhancements to the process of booking ground training sessions in FlightLogger. This aligns the booking process with what you are already familiar with from booking flight training lessons.

When scheduling a ground training session, you will now start by selecting an instructor and then choosing either a class or individual students. Based on your selections, FlightLogger's integrated booking system will suggest relevant ground training programs for you to choose from.

After selecting a ground training program, any students who are not currently enrolled in the selected program will be highlighted in red. This feature allows you to either remove the student or easily activate the program on the student's page before proceeding with the booking creation. Remember to select the subject and add a lesson name before clicking Create.

Easy registration of ground training sessions

To streamline the booking process for ground training sessions, we have revamped the registration procedure for ground instructors.

This new process mirrors the simplicity of registering for flight training lessons and guides the instructor through three straightforward steps:

  • Briefing (with option to upload documents)
  • Attendance (and grading when relevant)
  • Debriefing

The process is very simple, meaning your instructors can focus on delivering quality ground training.

Minor improvements

Included in this update are numerous minor adjustments aimed at enhancing the overall user experience in line with the new ground training setup.

We highly value your feedback on the latest version of FlightLogger. If you encounter any issues or have suggestions for further improvements, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at

Your input is crucial to us as we strive to continuously improve our platform. We are already working on more enhancements, and your feedback will help us shape the future of FlightLogger. Feel free to contact us, and we will respond promptly to assist you.

All the best,
