Release Notes

Software update - 29/09/2020

Minor update to the FlightLogger platform

Here are the most important improvements released with the update:

  • Editable SMS headlines (for safety manager only)

  • Protection from showing “repetition needed” info on completed lesson to other students

  • Better info on Google calendar sync limitations

Below follows a short description of each additional new feature and improvement of this release:

Editable SMS headlines (for safety manager only)

Until now, it has not been possible for the Safety Manager to edit headlines of safety issues in the Safety Management System. This update has now made it possible directly from the SMS menu.



Protection from showing “repetition needed” info on completed lesson to other students

In order to provide better information on completed school flight bookings on the booking page, the hover-information box changes its background color to yellow in case the lesson is marked as “repetition needed”.

To protect the privacy of your students, this info now only shows visible to instructors, administrators and booking administrators. This means fellow students do not have access to this information but instead will always see a green background color.

Better info on Google calendar sync limitations

As you probably know, we offer calendar sync functionality through calendar feed url, which can be used on Google Calendar, iCal, Office365 and other platforms supporting this method. While Google Calendar only synchronizes every 24 hours, others do it more often. By request from our users, we now offer information on this Google Calendar weakness directly from the calendar sync page in FlightLogger.

So, if you need faster synchronization of your personal calendar, we recommend using one of the other calendar platforms mentioned.

Bug fixes

As always, this release also includes fixes to some small bugs reported by our users.  We appreciate your constant feedback that helps us develop and maintain the best possible platform to suit your needs.

Please keep sending us suggestions to new features and improvements. Thanks a lot!