
Transferring a student from one revision to another

A frequent customer question is how to transfer a student from one revision to another.

In FlightLogger there is no way of "transferring" a student from one revision to another unless the student has not flown any lessons yet. Once a student is attached to a program and has flown the first lesson he/she is committed to this revision and a transfer is not possible.
The following is one of many examples showing why: 
A school is to transfer a student from revision 1 to revision 2. The student has flown lesson 1-5 on a revision 1 but in revision 2 lesson 4 has been deleted.
In case of a transfer in this example, there would not be a match between the student program activities and the program. This is of course only one example of many scenarios, where a transfer would create a mismatch between two revisions.
Benefits of strict revision control:
1) Students will not experience changes after starting on an approved revision and are assured that completing the program successfully will provide them with a pilot license.  
2) Flight Schools will always be able to prove that students have completed a program with an approved revision.