Release Notes

Update to the Student Account Module (SAM) - 15/03/2021

In this article you can read about the improvements made to the Student Account Module with the platform update released on the 15th March 2021.

Corrections in Accounting transactions report and Student accounting reports when changing aircraft

Until this update, changing the aircraft on an already completed flight registration unfortunately didn't effect the accounting reports, which meant potential errors in the report. Fortunately, only very few of our partners have been affected by the error, and we will reach out to those partners to make sure this is corrected.

This issue is now fixed, which means changing the aircraft on a completed flight registration to an aircraft with different price settings will now automatically result in a correction being added to your Accounting transactions report and Student accounting reports.

Below is an example of how the Student accounting report will look when changing a completed flight registration to an aircraft with a different price. In this case, two transactions are added, the first one deducting the price from the "original" aircraft, and the second one adding the price of the new aircraft.


Enriched info on transactions

As you may have noted already, we're enriching the comment info on each transaction to make it easier for you to identify what a correction is about. And as always, corrections always refer to the transaction they belong to, making it easy for you to understand each transaction.

These are examples of comments that automatically get added to your transactions.


Transaction total added to reports

A small detail that many of you have asked for is to have an amount total added to the bottom of both the Students accounting report and the Accounting transactions report. This has now been added as well, including if you export the report.



New wordings in the transaction reports

Student accounting report

We have renamed the report Student Account Overview to simply be called Accounting. Also, the column formerly named Student is now Stu/Ren, since it can both include students and renters. For the same reason, the column formerly named Student reference is now Stu/Ren reference.

Also note that when exporting the student accounting report, the above mentioned two columns are identified as student_renter and student_renter_reference respectively.

Accounting transaction report

Here we have made similar changes, which means Student becomes Stu/Ren, while Student reference become Stu/Ren reference. This is also what these columns are named when exporting them into CSV etc.

Aircraft prices

The last change of naming related to the SAM module is in your aircraft settings. Here, we have generally changed from Aircraft program prices to simple Aircraft prices.