
User definitions/roles in FlightLogger

This article explains the various user roles in FlightLogger

These are users that can amend everything on your account including controlling the rights of other users, however, they still need additional permission for specific roles in the organization. 
Administrators do not have any cost when using in FlightLogger.
Administrator (Need sign off)
This is an "additional right" and can be given to multiple Staff, Crew, Instructors, or Administrators by an administrator of your account.
By being given this right you can see all "need sign of messages" that has been sent from your account using the FlightLogger message center. The user will be able to check which receivers have opened and/or signed off the messages and send reminders to those still missing to sign off.
Administrator (Booking)
This is an "additional right" and can be given to multiple Staff, Crew, Instructors, or Administrators by an administrator of your account.
By being given this right you can add, edit, delete booking on the booking page.
Administrator (Certificate) 
This is an "additional right" and can be given to multiple Staff, Crew, Instructors, or Administrators by an administrator of your account.
By being given this right you will be able to approve certificates that are uploaded by any user on the account. A certificate that requires approval is marked blue.
Administrator (Rental)
This is an "additional right" and can be given to multiple Staff, Crew, Instructors, or Administrators by an administrator of your account.
By being given this right you will receive a notification (email) when a renter on requests to rent an aircraft and you have the "power" to either approve or decline the request.
Administrator (Repetition)
This is an "additional right" and can be given to multiple Staff, Crew, Instructors or Administrators by an administrator of your account.
By being given this right you will receive a notification (email) when an instructor saves a lesson on a student marked as "Repetition lesson needed" (in general terms "failed" the student), normally the HOT or CFI will have this role.
Can access the users (only other crew), operations, booking overview (depending on account setting), documents (which he/she is allowed to see), and SMS (if active) but only reports. These are users that can be booked for and register "Operations" in FlightLogger.
Operations are normally covering flights that are not rentals or school flights (Ferry flights or AOC related flights)
'Crew' do not have any cost as a user on the FlightLogger platform. However, there is a cost per flown operation.
These are users that can be booked for and register school flights or theory in FlightLogger
Instructors do not have any cost when using in FlightLogger.
Can log in to FightLogger and request to rent an aircraft after which a rental request is sent to all "Rental administrator(s)" (email) on your account - they will then approve or decline the rental request. Renters do not have any cost when using in FlightLogger.
Can access the users (only other staff), booking overview (depending on account setting), documents (which he/she is allowed to see), and SMS (if active) but only reports.
These are users that are not active on the booking page for flights or theory.
Often this user is used for schedules or maintenance personnel, with the additional permissions.
Staff does not have any cost when using in FlightLogger.
He/she can be attached to your different training manuals (programs) after which you can book and register school flights and theory with the student. This can only be done as long as the program attached to the student is "Active" = active student. 
Active students are what you pay a monthly fee for when using FlightLogger.